was born somewhere between Buenos Aires and Tokyo

Welcome to !
This blog has been on my mind for a very long time, and it is not without emotion that I am writing my first post here.
So before I share with you the places I've been, where I am currently traveling or my dream destinations, allow me to explain why I opened this blog. And why the name:
Going back in time, the idea of opening a Travel Blog crossed my mind for the first time when I traveled South America for few months. At the time, I was a young Parisian girl who has traveled a bit in Europe, but only countries that share borders with France. And because I was always dreaming of adventures in far away countries, when the opportunity of traveling Peru, Bolivia and Argentina appeared, I grabbed it like my life was depending on it.
And I was right! Traveling by myself, at a time I barely spoke any English or Spanish, changed me in so many ways! Almost everything in my life today is a direct consequence of this experience.
One of those consequences is that the Pandora box was now opened, and I wouldn't dream my adventures anymore, I would live them!
Another major change was the beginning of a new fascination: one about traditional costume, their beauty, their meaning... If you read the About section of this blog, you know that I studied Fashion in Paris, and besides Traveling, understanding a culture through its clothes and costumes is strong passion of mine.
The second time the idea of a Travel Blog 'visited me', was when I travel Japan three years ago. But by then, I already had a blog - about fashion and style.
So I posted about Japan on this blog, but something was missing. When exploring Tokyo, Kyoto or the Japanese Alps, I realized that I needed more than a fashion or style blog. But a travel blog would miss something as well...
It took me another couple of years, 2 weeks in Nepal and an upcoming 6 months of traveling Asia to realize that I didn't have to chose. I could have it all! After all, discovering new countries and culture and observing new costumes and clothes was both part of a same process.
And this is how was born!
I picked the name from latin words - a reminder of an almost scientific research of local clothes, traditions and all forms of cultural expressions.
Mapa mundi is a map of the World, and Moda stands for clothes, style and fashion.
I hope you will enjoy reading this blog as much as I do writing it!
And if you have questions, want to share tips or places you've been, please contact me, I would love to read you!